Radio Quasars:Signals From Supermassive Black Holes - Dr. Amy Kimball, National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Dr. Kimball will discuss new research on radio quasars, which are very bright, very distant objects detected by the radio waves they emit. They are supermassive black holes in other galaxies – objects containing millions of times the amount of matter packed into the Sun. She will also talk about working with the Very Large Array, an interconnected group of 27 radio telescopes, each over 80 feet across.  Dr. Kimball is an Assistant Scientist at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Cosponsored by St. Louis Astronomical Society and NASA MO Space Grant Consortium at Washington University

Event Properties

Event Date 12-15-2017 7:30 pm
Event End Date 12-15-2017 9:30 pm
Location McDonnell Hall at Washington University